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Track 1
Track 2
Track 3
Track 4
Track 5
Track 6
Track 7
Track 8
Track 1: Computing
Cloud Computing
Edge Computing
Intelligent Computing
Soft Computing
Multi-core Architecture
Parallel & Distributed Systems
Agent-Based Systems
Autonomic Computing
Service-Oriented Computing
Mobile & Ubiquitous Computing
GPU Programming
Parallel & Distributed Algorithms
Compiler Technologies for HPC
Peer to Peer Computing
Network Storage Systems
High Performance Storage Systems
Track 2: Communication
Wireless Sensor Networks
Wireless and Mobile Networks
Network Algorithms
Optical Communications
Optical Fiber Communications
Ad hoc and Mesh Networks
LTE and 5G Networks
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Networks
RF and Microwave Engineering
Antenna Engineering
Microwave Compatability
Electromagnetic Interference
Microwave Theory and Techniques
Network Performance Analysis
Track 3 : Artificial Intelligence
Machine Learning
Deep Learning
Natural Language Processing
AI Algorithms
Fuzzy & Neural System
AI Planning Strategies and Tools
Reinforcement Learning
Computer Vision
Expert Systems
Pattern Recognition
Component Analysis
Social Network Analysis
Data Mining
Challenges with Big Data
Techniques for Data Visualization
Big data Analytics and Applications
Data, Text, Web Mining, & Visualization
Track 4: VLSI
VLSI Circuits and Systems
Chiplets based heterogeneous designs
VLSI for Automotive Systems
Sensors interfacing circuits and systems
Cyber Physical Systems
Embedded Operating Systems
RF Circuit Design and Testing
Emerging Trends in VLSI
Reconfigurable Systems
System on Chip
Design of MEMS Devices
Digital System Design and Validation
Field Programmable Systems
System Level Design
Physical Design and Testing
Thin film and devices
Advanced CMOS Technology
Track 5: Internet of Things
Intelligent Systems for IoT
Environmental Monitoring
Machine to Machine/Device Communications
Network Design and Architecture
Infrastructure Management
IoT and Big Data
Home Automation
Security and Privacy
Social Implications of IoT
Technological focus for Smart Environments
Smart City Case Studies
Architecture for secure and interactive IoT
Blockchain for IoT Security.
Emerging IoT
Track 6: Power Systems
Power system planning and scheduling
Power System Protection, Operation and Control
Power System Modelling, Simulation and Analysis
Power system reliability and Security
power System Stability, Dynamics & Control,
Power System Automation, Protection & Relaying,
Power System Monitoring,
Restructuring of Power System, Electricity Markets and Energy Pricing,
Smart Grid and Smart Technologies,
Distributed Generation, Renewable Energy Sources and Micro/mini–Grid Operation,
High Voltage & Insulation Engineering,
Smart sensing for power technologies
Applications of AI to Power systems
Track 7: Renewable Energy
Renewable energy sources and Technology
Energy and Power
Integration of energy storage systems
Solar/Wind energy systems
IoT for Renewable Energy Technologies and Systems
Energy security and energy systems
Energy Conversion and Energy Efficiency
Energy Analysis and Energy Transfer
Biomass, Hydrogen based sources
Hybrid Energy Systems
Energy Harvesting,
Green energy issue
Energy equipment and energy management
Thermal and Wind Energy Engineering
Nuclear Engineering and Hydrogen Energy Resources
Track8: Electric Vehicles
Plug-in-Electric vehicles (Electric buses, electric trains, electric aircrafts and electric ships)
Electric vehicle charging station
Impact of electric vehicles to power grids
Hybrid electric vehicles
Vehicle to grid and vehicle to home
Hydrogen-Powered vehicles
Utilization of hydrogen in transportation
Electric motors for light and heavy electric vehicles
Active and Passive Vehicle Safety
Automated Vehicles
Connected and Autonomous Vehicles
Smart Mobility
Green Manufacturing & Energy Management
Internal Combustion Engines
Vehicle Control
Vehicle Environment Perception